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Each day, many children are exposed to dangers that hamper their growth and development. They suffer immensely as victims of aggression, forced to abandon their homes; as disabled; or as victims of neglect, cruelty and exploitation.

Each day, many children suffer from the scourges of poverty and economic crisis - from hunger and homelessness, from epidemics and illiteracy, from degradation of the environment. 

Each day, many  children  die  from  malnutrition  and disease,  including acquired   immunodeficiency  syndrome  (AIDS),  from  the  lack  of  clean water and  inadequate  sanitation  and  from   the  effects  of   the drug  problem.


JAGRATI MAHILA EVAM BAL VIKAS SANSTHAN(JMBVS) response was built up on the basic imperative to respond to the immediate welfare needs of these children by protecting their lives and diminishing enormously their sufferings. Since street living and street working children were seen to represent acute levels of immediate vulnerability and need, PASS has been working together on programmes to tackle the root causes and to improve their life conditions.
A significant number  of the children  turned to  the streets of  town and cities either as  runaways  or laborer. A  number of programmes  are  in place to  strengthen  and  provide  opportunities for  all children irrespective  of their background and  gender,  preparing them for productive  employment and opportunities i.e. through  vocational training that enables  them  to  grow  to  adulthood within a  supportive and nurturing cultural and social context


JMBVS has implemented projects in the areas of:

1.   Basic education

2.   Basic health care

3.   Food & Shelter

4.   Training or Employment opportunities

5.   Freedom from exploitation


Many people in villages are facing major problems related to water shortage, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation, and widespread poverty.

Many people still live today without access to basic needs and with limited or no rights.

Many people who are chronically hungry live in rural areas and over half of them are subsistence farmers. The problem is the access of people to jobs, resources, knowledge, land and money to purchase food.


JAGRATI MAHILA EVAM BAL VIKAS SANSTHAN(JMBVS) partners with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through implementation of environmentally, equitable and economically sustainable projects, while involving and training responsible people.

JMBVS addresses a wide range of issues such as water provisioning and purification, sanitation, health, power production, shelter, infrastructure, food production and distribution, communication and jobs and capital for various developing communities including villages.

JMBVS involves in creating physical infrastructures for sustainable and durable solutions that contribute to a safe, secure, healthy, productive, and sustainable life for all people



At JMBVS we have limited resources. Nevertheless our limitations, we wholeheartedly and sincerely serve the persons with different abilities. 

In support to our services we need a helping hand. We invite each and every person to visit us and extend their support in; whatever way they could. A little contribution also helps us to boldly stand up.

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